ATRIO Health Plans’ Jessica Assefa and Melinda Walker talk to RISE about their presentation at the upcoming Medicare Marketing & Sales Summit in San Diego, why all Medicare marketing and sales professionals should be concerned with Star ratings, and which sessions they are most excited about attending this year.

Assefa, chief quality officer, and Walker, VP of sales, will lead a general session at 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 16, the final day of the Medicare Marketing & Sales Summit, explaining how to break down organizational silos and optimize sales team to “align the Stars” and improve health plan ratings.

RELATED: Medicare Marketing & Sales Summit heads to the West Coast: 5 exciting additions to the 2024 conference

The annual conference will offer Medicare Advantage sales, marketing, member experience, and product design professionals innovative tactics to increase and retain membership in a highly competitive environment.

Medicare Marketing and Sales Summit

Q: Can you explain why sales and marketing professionals should be concerned with Star ratings?

Assefa (pictured right): According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare Advantage (MA) plan revenue generated from high Star ratings must be reinvested back into the product for the benefit of health plan members. This reinvestment takes the form of reduced premiums, cost-sharing, and additional benefits such as hearing, dental, and vision–crucial components for a marketable and viable plan. Additionally, health plans performing below  stars for two consecutive years are disallowed to expand, and those with low star ratings for three consecutive years may face termination, as recently witnessed with Centene’s Wellcare plans.

Q: What were the most successful strategies at ATRIO that you used to educate sales agents and the marketing team?

Assefa: At ATRIO, we consider the sales and Marketing teams integral to the Star ratings program and related strategies. We provide annual and ad hoc Star ratings education to ensure the team comprehends the program and related updates and the roles they play in goal attainment. We collaborate in areas like member retention (a heavily weighted Star measure) and work closely to ensure members understand their benefits and how to use them (measured through Stars CAHPS measures). We jointly celebrate successes and work together collaboratively to address Star ratings pain points, particularly for measures of member retention and experience with the health plan.

Q: Is there anything you would do differently?

Assefa: We would have initiated our collaboration and education much earlier and utilized data more extensively to inform joint strategies and interventions.

Q: Do you have any advice for organizations struggling to improve their health plan ratings?

Assefa: Join us at the 2024 RISE Medicare Marketing & Sales Summit! Learn from industry experts and build lasting connections with other health plan leaders and SMEs.

Q: What are you, as attendees, most excited/interested in learning at the Medicare Marketing & Sales Summit this year? Why do you believe this is an important conference for your peers to attend?

Assefa: I am particularly intrigued by Ana Handshuh and Rick Whitted’s presentation, Incorporating health equity performance into your plan’s marketing, interventions, and products. CMS is consistently pushing health equity and addressing social determinants of health (SDoH) to the forefront, especially by linking quality performance for underserved populations to Star ratings and associated revenue streams. Achieving higher performance necessitates an "all hands-on deck" approach and robust interdepartmental collaboration. Ana Handshuh, as a thought leader and subject matter expert, is expected to provide valuable insights. Excited to hear their perspectives!

Walker (pictured right): I’m excited to dive into the session on Leveraging technology for enhanced sales execution in Medicare with industry leaders Craig Nelson, Jay Thomas, and Joe Kanatzar. In the rapidly evolving health care tech landscape, blending our traditional Medicare sales approach with the latest innovations is crucial. As the sales leader at ATRIO Health Plans, my commitment is to ensure we remain at the forefront of modernization, elevating health care delivery for our consumers.

Attending RISE isn't just about a conference; it's a strategic move for our peers. Our industry, both intimately connected and vast, thrives on shared knowledge. RISE provides a unique space where we can bridge the gaps between different expert domains. In this dynamic environment, expanding our knowledge isn't just a professional development opportunity; it's a catalyst for stronger connections and more effective daily operations. It is exciting to see both familiar and new faces, further enriching our industry network.

The Medicare Marketing & Sales Summit will take place February 14-16, at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego. Click here to learn more about the conference, including preconference workshops, the agenda, roster of speakers, cocktail receptions and networking opportunities, and how to register.